Top 10 Ways To Get Control Of Your Divorce

Top 10 Ways To Get Control Of Your Divorce 1

I live by the adage, control what you can and leave the rest. It’s taken me decades to get to this point and it was only after coming to the realization that I was wasting so much of my time and energy trying to change, reshape and coax things and people I actually had no … Read more

So, You’re Thinking About Divorce?

A couple discussing collaborative divorce

Making the decision to get divorced takes courage and strength. And, if you want to have some control over your divorce and your post-divorce life, it also takes vision. Vision to come up with a picture of what you want your life to look like post-divorce—what are your goals, your aspirations, and your priorities surrounding … Read more

Avoid This All Too Common Divorce Mistake

Avoid This All Too Common Divorce Mistake 2

Divorce affects every aspect of a person’s life—the things that we hold most dear to us: family, financial security, expectations, and dreams about our future. All that is tossed around and disassembled during divorce. How do you stay on course when everything you know, depended on, relied on and loved, is in flux? How do … Read more

Love Your Children More Than You Hate Each Other

Love Your Children More Than You Hate Each Other 3

I recently mediated a contentious, ongoing custody case.  As the mediator, I had the benefit of looking at the case through the lens of an impartial facilitator and what I witnessed was very sad and also, far too common: Two parents whose hatred and disdain for each other was deep and intense AND whose mutual … Read more

Manage Your Divorce Expectations

Manage Your Divorce Expectations 4

THIS is the message I’ve been conveying for years: Divorce differently if you want to save time, money and protect your family in a private and confidential setting.    Here is the link to the “NY Times Article: Manage Your Divorce Expectations” article: READ MORE  To learn more about collaborative divorce and other divorce options, go … Read more

Customized Divorce

Customized Divorce 5

Each of us has different circumstances, relationships, concerns, priorities, hopes and dreams.  That is why I provide customized divorce options to meet my divorce and family law clients where they are.   Here are some of the options: DIVORCE  LITIGATION :   For more contentious divorce and other family law matters where you just cannot agree; one … Read more

Your Situation is Unique – Divorce is Not “One Size Fits All”

Your Situation is Unique - Divorce is Not "One Size Fits All" 6

Each of us has different circumstances, relationships, concerns, priorities, hopes and dreams.  That is why I provide customized divorce options to meet my divorce and family law clients where they are.    Here are some of the options:  DIVORCE LITIGATION:  For more contentious divorce and other family law matters where you just cannot agree; one of … Read more

I’m Considering Divorce, What Should I Do Ahead of Time to Prepare?

I'm Considering Divorce, What Should I Do Ahead of Time to Prepare? 7

Getting divorced is a monumental decision and requires careful  thought out planning. Here are five important steps you should take before filing for divorce*: 1.  Copy all financial records:  It’s essential to have a handle on your finances and funds.. Before your soon to be Ex has the chance to discard or remove documents, you … Read more

Four Must-Haves for Hiring a Divorce Attorney

Someone with their wedding ring resting on the table

After practicing divorce law in New York City and now, in South Florida, I’ve “cleaned up” many cases after clients hire attorneys who are clearly the wrong choice for their divorce.  I don’t want you to make the same mistakes, so here’s what you must look for when hiring a divorce attorney: MAKE SURE S/HE … Read more